It’s been kind of slow these past couple weeks. The weather is getting cooler, and weather is starting to become an issue. This past weekend I had planned to prime the parts we’ve been working on, but it turned out rainy and cool enough to dip below the minimum temperature for the AKZO paint.
I did, however, manage to complete a simple paint table, which I plan to use in the back yard to spray the parts we need to prime before we can start riveting the horizontal stabilzer. This one it temporary, and I’ll attach a 5′ x 5′ cloth paint tarp underneath so that it creates a trap for the paint overspray.
I’m still designing the paint booth that I’ll set up inside the garage so that I can spray during the winter, where I can keep it warm enough to spray. I have a 10″ exhaust fan and 25′ duct to take away the vapors and exhaust them outside.
Weather is improving, and I’m hopeful that during this week I can take some time to get some priming done.