Having survived Practice Kit Part #1, we’ve now moved on to Part #2: the Aerfoil Section! The goal for this kit is to further hone your skills by building a small (12″ wide) aerfoil section, which includes 2 skins, 4 ribs, a spar, and 2 caps.
This one is moving along at a nice clip. We’re at the point where we’re ready to start riveting…well, almost. The ribs on this one needed to be trimmed and rounded, and it looks like we didn’t take off enough material at the trailing edge.
Part of the assembly process includes back-riveting the small ribs to the skins. They must be Mini-Ribs, because my back rivet set won’t “fit” over the rivet…the holes are too close to the bend. I may have to make a small “modification” to the back rivet set and shave off a bit of the sleeve…

I may just grind a flat side into the Delrin tension sleeve so that it can actually get the flat set onto the rivet.