I was playing around with the FAA registration web site and decided to try a couple more combinations of what I thought would be a cool tail number for the RV. I had checked before and was a bit disheartened to learn that there are sleezy companies out there that snatch up all the small and cool tail numbers to re-sell them.
While some people might say that’s clever, I think it’s slimy. But that’s not what this post is about. I tried a number of “2×2” tail numbers just to find that they’re mostly all reserved (a few were actually assigned).
I did, however, come across 1 that was not yet snapped up by the sleazy businesses: N49MS. I immediately ran over to the wife to see what she thought. It consists of “49”, which reflects our 49-er spirit (since we’re Californians), and “MS”, which are our initials. Wow! I couldn’t think of a better way to personalize our airplane!
It costs $10/year to reserve an N-number. I’m hoping I’ll only have to spend $30 before I can turn the reservation into an actual registration. 🙂