After an unexpected break from the project, I’ve returned home and found all the tools I’ve ordered have been delivered! Exciting!

Since I went over them in previous posts, I won’t expound too much on what I got. EVerything arrived, so I’m all set for the practice project….with the exception of one thing…an air compressor.
I have a small compressor I’ve used for setting brads into the fenceline, but I need something bigger to run the rivet gun, and any other air tools I plan on using. I’ve had my eye on a couple 21-gallon compressors…one from Harbor Freight and one from Home Depot. Neither place had the one I wanted in stock, so looks like I’m going to just order online. I saw an 8-gallon Macgraw compressor at HF, but it’s only $10 cheaper than the 21-gallon. So, if I can still get the price for the 21-gallon ($149), that’ll be the one.